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Dear fellow traveller,

At some point, if we're lucky, we reach a cross-roads at which we know one path leads towards our purpose and deepest calling, and the other leads anywhere else...


The first path is not usually the emotionally comfortable one. It  seems to lead straight into the unknown, but we feel it in our hearts and our bones that this is the journey we're somehow called to take.


What is required is an inner leap in the direction of our highest potential.

If this is you...I can help. 

COUNSELING & THERAPY for creatives and innovators in all walks of life needing to perform in high-stress environments.

Coaching sessions are available in person (in Portland, OR), as well as by Skype, Facetime, and by Phone. 


Coaching sessions are available in person (in Portland, OR), as well as by Skype, Facetime, and by Phone. 

HEARTMATH TRAININGS for Organizations & Businesses

Hanna delivers the Heartmath Institute Resilience Advantage training to innovation-focused, and purpose-driven organizations, corporations, and small businesses.

Hanna also offers organizational engagement and resilience assessments with statistically valid aggregated data , as well as coaching for teams and leadership.


Herbalist Mentoring, Online Courses, and teaches MindBody and Mental Health curriculum at Vital Ways School of Herbal Medicine. 

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Thank you for your interest in working with me! If you'd like to schedule a conversation, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.                                

Interested in working with Hanna?

Hanna currently has limited 1:1 availability. Each inquiry will be reviewed personally by Hanna to determine if it seems to be a good match. Please be specific in describing your  personal and/or professional goals. 

Thanks! Message sent.

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